Bereavement Service

If you would like to book to use our bereavement service, please visit our Consulting Room.

Bereavement will affect people in many different ways and can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms. Grief is a natural process but some people are quite surprised by the intensity of their feelings and thoughts in the early days of bereavement, and they worry that these feelings are not normal.

Here at Parkside Medical Centre, we offer a free bereavement service to those people who may be finding it difficult to cope with the death of a relative or friend. Come and talk it through and see if we can help you. Sometimes just talking through the event with someone who is not involved will help you adjust to the situation.

If you think this may help you to cope then ask the patient navigators to give your details to our bereavement practice nurse, who will contact you to arrange an appointment.

The following websites will offer more information and support: