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What to do in an emergency

What is an emergency?

Whatever the time of day, if you or someone else experiences the symptoms below and you feel it is so serious that it cannot wait, go to the nearest A&E Department or call 999.

Symptoms include

  • Chest pain
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Vomiting blood
  • Black stools
  • Breathlessness
  • Non-blanching rashes (the glass test)
  • Possible anaphylactic shock (swelling of mouth and throat)

Emergencies will be dealt with as a priority by a GP.

Minor injuries

If you have had a minor injury within the last 48 hours why wait in A&E, contact the surgery for a minor injury appointment. For more information on when to use this service, please visit our surgery clinics page.


The nearest A&E department is at Milton Keynes Hospital.

Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way

01908 66 00 33


NHS 111 urgent care services

Call 111 if you need medical help fast, but it’s not life-threatening.

For example, if you;

  • Think you need to go to hospital
  • Don’t know who to call for medical help
  • Don’t have a GP to call
  • Need medical advice or reassurance about what to do next

Ask your pharmacist

Pharmacies can help with a range of common conditions and minor illness/ injuries, such as aches and pains, uncomplicated cystitis, colds and skin rashes. You don’t need an appointment; you can just pop in, so why wait for a consultation with your nurse or doctor. Don’t miss out on this valuable service on your high street. Visit the National Pharmacy Association website for more information.

Page published: 8 May 2024
Last updated: 8 May 2024